张腾,男,工学博士,讲师,2006年毕业于北京科技大学,获冶金工程学士学位;2012年毕业于北京科技大学,获冶金物理化学博士学位。2012年到西安科技大学材料学院工作以来,一直从事镁金属的高效冶炼制备、金属基复合材料的高效制备等方面工作。先后参与国家自然科学基金、陕西省教育厅专项和陕西省精品课程建设-《材料科学与基础》等项目;近年来在ISIJ International、Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B、Steel research international等本研究领域国际权威期刊上发表论文多篇。
1. Zhang Teng, Du Shuang-Ming, Sun Wan-Chang, et al. Novel Method to Prepare Magnesium by Aluminothermic Reduction of Magnesia and Calcium Hydroxide at Normal Atmosphere, 1223 K (950℃)[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2017, 48(1): 488-496.
2. Zhang Teng, Du Shuang-Ming, Sun Wan-Chang, et al. New practical method of homogeneous dispersion of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) into Mg matrix composites[C]//IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing, 2017, 182(1): 012028-34.
3. 张腾,杜双明,牛立斌,等,CaF2对机械活化强化镁金属真空碳热还原反应的作用研究,轻金属,2015,(8): 43-46.
4. 张腾,杜双明,牛立斌,等,机械活化对镁金属真空碳热还原反应的强化作用初步研究,轻金属,2015,(2): 37-40.
5. Zhang Teng, Hu Xiao Jun, Chou Kuo-Chih, et al .,Kinetic study on the reaction betweenCO2-CO and wustite using the isotope exchange,International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials, 2013,20(2): 125-130.
6. Hu Xiaojun, ZhangTeng, Yan Hongyan,et al.,Interfacial Rate of CO2–CO Reaction with the Solid Iron and Iron Oxide by Isotope Exchange Technique at 1273 K, ISIJ International, 2013, 52(9):1529-1534.
7. 张腾,胡晓军,侯新梅,等,同位素交换技术研究CO2-CO和铁氧化物体系的反应及方法分析,钢铁研究学报,2012,24(7):59-62.
8. Hu Xiaojun, Zhang Teng, Chou Kuo-Chih, et al.,Determination of the Rate of CO2–CO Reaction with Magnetite by Isotope Exchange Technique,steel research international,2012,83(9):886-891.
9. Zhang Teng , Hu Xiao-jun, Shu Qi-feng, et al.,A model for estimating the rate constant between CO2-CO gas and molten slag containing iron oxides using optical basicity,International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials,2012,19(8):685-688.
10. Chen Jun,Yu Ranbo, Li Lihong, Sun Ce, Zhang Teng, Chen Houwen ,Xing Xianran. Structure and shape evolution of Bi1–xLaxFeO3 perovskite microcrystals by molten salt synthesis. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2008(23): 3655-3660.