牛立斌,男,1972年1月生,博士、副教授,现为西安科技大学材料科学与工程学院专任教师,从事教学与科研工作,曾获陕西省优秀博士论文。长期以来,科研围绕以下两方面展开:(1)复合材料方面: 纤维、颗粒增强镁、铝基复合耐磨、抗蚀材料的研究;丝材原位生成碳化物颗粒增强金属基复合材料的研究;双金属复合材料的制备及工艺开发;金属材料的表面复合强化技术研发。(2) 镁、铝及其合金方面:新型金属镁冶炼技术及装备研发;气相合金化制备超纯镁合金工艺技术研发;镁合金塑性成型及计算机模拟。
1991.09-1995.07. 西安建筑科技大学冶金学院本科.
2006.09-2010.06. 西安建筑科技大学材料学院攻读博士研究生学位.
[9]西安市科技局项目:电内热快速炼镁新技术与新装备研发. (编号:CX1254⑧).
[10]云南煤炭勘探局合作项目:云南昭通超纯无烟煤高性能材料转化应用研究 (横向).
[11]北京神州洪雨防水材料有限责任公司项目:ZX-1型全自动化SBS防水卷材生产的在线检测 (横向).
[1].Ma J, Niu L B, Long Y X, et al. Effect of Hot Extrusion on Microstructure and Corrosion Performance of Mg–Zn Binary Alloys Prepared by Vacuum Evaporation[J]. Science of Advanced Materials, 2020, 12(7): 973-980.
[2].MA Jun, NIU Li-bin, YAN Yu-ting, GAO Chong, WANG Xiao-gang. Influence of heat treatment on microstructure and electrochemical behaviors of Mg-Zn binary alloys prepared by gas-phase alloying technique [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2020, 27(3): 762−771.
[3].Li-bin Niu*and Xiao-gang Wang. A novel vertical magnesium reduction furnace by inner-multiple-electrical heating[J].Int.J.Mining and Mineral Engineering,2015,6(1):14-21
[4].Li-bin Niu and Xiao-gang Wang A novel vertical magnesium reduction furnace by inner multiple electrical heating [J]. Int. J. Mining and Mineral Engineering, 2014,18 (3).27-34.
[5].NIU Libin, WANG Xiaogang, FAN Zimin. Center Distance and Pouring Temperature on in-situ Synthesis of WCP/Fe Composite Coating [J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology Mater. Sci. Ed. 2013.(6):449-454.
[6].Li-bin NIU*, Ju-mei ZHANG,Xiao-lan YANG., In-situ synthesis of Al3Ti particles reinforced Al-based composite coating[J].Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2012, 22(6):1387-1392.
[7].Libin Niu*, Yunhua Xu, Xiaogang Wang, Fabriaction of WC/Fe composite coating by centrifugal casting plus in situ synthesis techniques[J]. Surface &Coatings Technology, 2010,205: 551-556.
[8].L. Niu*, Y. Xu, H. Wu. Reinforcement of Hadfield steel matrix by oriented high-chromium cast iron bars[J]. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2010,34: 423-429.
[9].NIU Li bin*, XU Yun hua, PENG Jian Hong, WU Hong. Effects of heat treatment on mechanical properties and microstructure of tungsten wire reinforced gray cast iron matrix composites[J]. China foundry, 2009,6(4):333-338.
[10].Libin Niu*, Mirabbos Hajamaberdiev Yunhua Xu preparation of in situ-formed WC/Fe composite on gray cast iron substrate by a centrifugal casting process[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2010, 210:1986-1990.
[11].Libin Niu*, Mirabbos HojamberdievYunhua Xu Microstructure and mechanical properties of Hadfield steel matrix composite reinforced with oriented high-chromium cast iron bars[J]. Materials science, 2010,45(16):2321-2325.
[10].Niu Libin*, Xu Yunhua, Wu Hong. Preparation of in situ (Fe,Cr)7C3 / Fe composite coating by centrifugal casting[J]. Surface Engineering, 2010, 3: 675-680.
[12].NIU Li bin*, WU Hong, XU Yun hua, Microstructure and mechanical properties of high-Cr cast iron bars reinforced Hadfield steel matrix composites[J].Journal of Wuhan University of Technology,2010,25 (3):464-468.
[13].Niu Libin*, Xu Yunhua, Wu Hong. Study on in-situ WC particles/tungsten wire reinforced iron matrix composites under electromagnetic field[J]. China foundry, 2010,7(2):157-162.
2.2017年,牛立斌,王晓刚,樊子民,陆树河. 超纯镁锌二元合金的制备方法及制备装置. 专利号:CN2014101508181.
3.2015年,牛立斌, 樊子民, 王晓刚; Al3Ti/Al3Ni颗粒协同增强硅铝基复合活塞及制备方法。专利号:CN201310223926.
4.2012年牛立斌,孙万昌,杨小兰.原位合成Al3Ti颗粒表面增强铝基复合气缸套及其制备方法, ZL201110121461.0.
5.2010年 牛立斌,许云华,,武 宏,吴天栋 一种原位熔覆耐磨层强化球墨铸铁复合轧辊的制备方法,专利号: 200910024365.7.
6.2010年 牛立斌,许云华, 钨丝原位生成碳化钨颗粒铁基复合材料及其制备方法, 专利号:20081001759.
7.2010年 牛立斌,许云华,崔雅茹. 一种混杂增强铸铁基复合轧辊及其制造方法. 专利号:200810232068.
联系电话:029-85587373;e-mail:dy059@126.com; 联系地址:西安市雁塔中路58#,西安科技大学材料学院。