刘欢,女,陕西商洛人,工学博士,教授/硕导,E-mail: liuhuan55588@foxmail.com
2019-至今 西安科技大学,副教授、硕导
2022-2023 新加坡南洋理工大学,访问学者(导师范红金教授)
2021-2022 北京大学,西部青年骨干教师国内访问学者(导师郭少军教授)
2017-2019 北京理工大学,博士后(导师陈人杰教授)
2012-2017 北京化工大学,博士
2008-2012 西安科技大学,学士
研究成果:长期从事先进化学电源与能源材料的研究与开发,在Advanced Energy Materials, ACS nano, Advanced Science, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano-micro Letter等期刊共发表SCI论文45余篇,SCI总引用1000次以上,8篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。
1. Liu Huan, Zhijing Xu, Bin Cao*, Zijun Xin, Hongjuan Lai, Shan Gao, Bin Xu*, Jin-Lin Yang, Tao Xiao, Bao Zhang, Hong Jin Fan*. Marangoni-Driven Self-Assembly MXene As Functional Membrane Enables Dendrite-Free and Flexible Zinc-iodine Pouch Cells. Adv. Energy Mater., 2024,14, 2400318.
2. X. Tian, Huan. Liu*, B. Cao, P. Zhang, Y. Li, Y. Ou, H. Cui, M. Xu, B. Xu, Zn and Cl Coregulated MXene Catalyst Enhances Li-CO(2) Battery Reversibility, ACS Nano, (2024)
3. Liu, Huan.; Xin, Z.; Cao, B.; Xu, Z.; Xu, B.; Zhu, Q.; Yang, J. L.; Zhang, B.; Fan, H. J., Polyhydroxylated Organic Molecular Additives for Durable Aqueous Zinc Battery. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 2309840.
4. Liu, Huan.; Xin, Z.; Cao, B.; Zhang, B.; Fan, H. J.; Guo, S., Versatile MXenes for Aqueous Zinc Batteries. Adv Sci (Weinh) 2023, e2305806.
5. Liu, Huan; Jiang, L.; Cao, B.; Du, H.; Lu, H.; Ma, Y.; Wang, H.; Guo, H.; Huang, Q.; Xu, B.; Guo, S., Van der Waals Interaction-Driven Self-Assembly of V2O5 Nanoplates and MXene for High-Performing Zinc-Ion Batteries by Suppressing Vanadium Dissolution. ACS Nano 2022, 16 (9), 14539-14548.
6. Liu, Huan; Du, H.; Zhao, W.; Qiang, X.; Zheng, B.; Li, Y.; Cao, B., Fast potassium migration in mesoporous carbon with ultrathin framework boosting superior rate performance for high-power potassium storage. Energy Storage Mater. 2021, 40, 490-498.
7. Cao, B.; Liu, Huan.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, P.; Zhu, Q.; Du, H.; Wang, L.; Zhang, R.; Xu, B., MOF-Derived ZnS Nanodots/Ti3C2Tx MXene Hybrids Boosting Superior Lithium Storage Performance. Nano-Micro Lett. 2021, 13 (1), 202.